EXERCISE - A Key! Always Advised! A Wise Decision!

What is an exercise? It is the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep it fit.
Every other person, irrespective of a doctor, advice exercise to stay healthy. Says it is good for you. But, what actually it does? How it helps? What if one does not like to go to gym or is not a team player? What is right for me? Which exercises should I do? There are endless queries.
The most important thing one should possess is self-motivation. Getting up from bed, coming out of comfort zone of being a couch potato and understanding not only the necessity but enjoying
the activity of exercising is of great significance. Exercises are meant for everyone. May s/he be suffering from illnesses or not; child, teen, adult or old; men, women; person who likes to
do it alone or who is comfortable in group; desires to look beautiful with toned body or build muscular body or just want to stay healthy and active to perform daily chores, anyone can do it
with a smile on their face.
When we exercise every body part also brain is active. It makes us feel fresh and lively. It lowers the risk of developing major illnesses like Hypertension, Obesity, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes etc. Exercising help us look better, think better and act better. They help a person age well. Exercising can help us achieve toned muscles, stronger bones, shiner skin, relaxed sleep and a happier sex life. They really do wonders. Exercise is a key to healthier life!
As well said "Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind."- Leonardo da Vinci. Similarly, if our muscles and joints; heart and lung are kept passive for long time then they start rusting. Thus, symptoms like aches, swelling etc leading to major illnesses including mental condition like depression starts developing.
By exerting muscles, blood supply is increased to all cells also brain. So, they get more oxygen and nutrients. Hence, they are active and releases certain chemicals. Exercises burn calories and the desired goal is achieved. There is no other reason why exercising is recommended. May it be 20 minutes or 90 minutes, depending upon the condition, requirement and the goal, duration may vary but it is advised!
Exercises can be of various types. Mainly
AEROBIC: As said exercising makes heart pump more and lungs breathe harder. Thus, keeping every cell oxygenated and feeling active and fresh.
Activities like dancing, running, swimming, quick walking, hiking or team games like cricket, basketball, soccer, rowing, hockey, really bring the best out of us.
STRENGTHENING: Not only internal organs but muscles are also benefitted from exercises. Strengthening exercises tone muscles and provide good shape to the body, making us look more beautiful. There are multiple exercises based on which muscle one wants to work. For example, rowing and cross-country skiing or push-ups and pull-ups; biking and running or doing squats and leg raises; rowing or planks and crunches for arms, legs and core respectively. Weightlifting exercises help in shaping the muscles and making them stronger. Either working out in gym under physical trainer or doing yoga or pilates or performing these sports, everything works.
FLEXIBILTY: Exercises also make joints bend easily, flexible and stronger, to sustain as we age. Stretching after exercising is one of the best ways to achieve flexibility. Activities like ballet, yoga, gymnastics are few good choices.
If one is suffering from any medical condition, it is always recommended to consult their doctor. They are their best guides. If one is new to any sport or gym, it is always advised to seek guidance from its expert.
To feel active, be active. Remember, it is never too late to start anything good. One always gains from exercising when best chosen and done at right time in the right way.
Do not worry, exercising is always a wise decision!