What is it ? How it works ??

'Homoeopathy' derived from two Greek words, 'homoios' (homeo) meaning similar and 'patheia' (pathy) meaning suffering, is an alternative system of medicine which simply means treating individual or preventing disease with remedies made from natural substances, in minute dilute doses, that are capable of producing symptoms similar to disease when taken by healthy individuals. The Fundamental Law Of Homoeopathy is 'Similia Similibus Curantur' meaning 'Like Cures Like'. It was given scientific basis by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century. Homoeopathy has been serving humanity for over two centuries and has withstood the upheavals of the time.

Through Homoeopathy, we treat the INDIVIDUAL with disease and not just the disease. An individual is made up of Mind, Body and Soul (Vital Force). According to the Homoeopathic philosophy, when there is a dynamic flow of energy between mind, body and soul, an equilibrium is maintained and the individual is healthy. When this equilibrium is disturbed he becomes a patient and lands into disease i.e. not at ease. To regain the dynamic flow, homoeopath chooses a similar (Law of Similia) but stronger energy i.e. remedy. This remedy in its simplest form (Law of Simplex) is prescribed as mentioned in classical homoeopathy in minimum dose (Principle of Minimum Dose), i.e. the dose required just to strike the vital force to start the process of healing by itself, hence bringing harmony between mind, body and soul.

So, the strength here lies in the evident effectiveness as Homoeopathic treatment takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels.