Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, began in Wuhan, China has spread worldwide. Along with increased morbidity and mortality rate, fear and anxiety amongst people is also increasing. We can live with these emotions until they become unhealthy for self-and/or society otherwise they need medical attention. We know mental state highly influences physical state so, these people become highly susceptible to catch infections similar to other old age people or patients with immunosuppressant conditions or any underlying illnesses.
We together are fighting against this "enemy" pathogen: Coronavirus. Like all other pathogens, even this virus has the ability to produce toxins, enter tissue, colonize, hijack nutrients and immunosuppress the host. It transmits through droplets via vector being hands, attacks target tissues predominately respiratory system, especially lungs of the host- human being completing the cycle by viral shedding.
Now, it is important for everyone to understand that this fight is mainly at individual level and all individuals together form the community thence the country and the world. This foreign organism has its own struggle for its existence. Virus finds a host, the most susceptible, weak body to show its virulence. Finally, the one who survives, wins. In other words, "Survival of the fittest".
Leaders across the globe are preparing by learning from their own and others' battles, training the way they intend to fight and identifying their weaknesses and vulnerabilities the "enemy" can exploit3. Likewise, we are the leaders of our body so we must watch, learn and follow. It is difficult to eradicate this virus from the environment. Earth is the home for every organism, even for Coronaviruses. This will end when everyone develops self-defense i.e. innate immunity against the virus. For how long will we wait for external vaccine or be quarantining? Yes, this is the best solution to control the spread but practically it is impossible to follow the same forever. Thus, becoming a good leader to our body is the key to win this fight. Strategically, we can counter-attack at various levels, to enumerate2
1) Blocking the entry of virus: By staying at home, social distancing, washing hands, avoiding touching face, covering mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing and refraining from smoking other activities that weaken the lungs, we are preventing the entry of virus4. We are following these measures after learning from others' experiences.
2) Blocking the machinery of virus: Meaning preventing virus to enter lungs and cause fibrosis resulting in Severe Acute Respiratory Stress Disorder. This is achieved by acknowledging the dis-ease i.e. ‘not at ease’ symptoms and seeking medical attention at the earliest. Here comes the role of medicines may it be any. Nonetheless, repeated studies have shown that homeopathic medicine is very effective in treating prodromal and convalescence symptoms of any disease.
3) Blocking the packaging of virus: This is where doctors are struggling to win the battle. This is the period of illness where pathogens are high also the severity of symptoms. At this stage, many drugs are failing to block the attack as "enemy" is regenerating in the machinery at a faster pace. They target natural fighter and killer cells and weaken our immune system, thus, making us immunosuppressant.
While our cells are under training, the hosts' job is to identify their weaknesses and vulnerabilities the “enemy” can exploit. Ultimately, knowing oneself why, what and who we are, not only biologically but also psychologically, so that we do not become susceptible to this infection. Mentioned in the beginning mind and body are interconnected. At present, every person is the wealthiest person. Invaluable TIME is what we have in surplus. Due to quarantine, we cannot go outside so this is the best time to go inside. Homeopathic case giving guides through this way to get aware of what we are and, in some cases, help reaching, understanding our deepest core, answering what and why we are who we are. This can help to keep our immunity strong. On the other hand, there are many cases where path to this core is difficult, here homeopathic medicines help initiate the process of healing, imbalance to balance of vital energy hence upbringing the immunity. Thus, good number of healthy fighter and natural killer cells, stronger army, increased immunity and decreased chances to be infected.
4) Destroying the factory (infected cell) itself: Last and the most important strategy. Stronger army helps us fight against these enemies and stop the attack. By doing so, we also grow vaccine inside our body as our fighter cells memorizes this enemy and emerges with a plan of action to combat if it attacks in future. Developing self-defense i.e. innate immunity which helps identify, lock on and destroy (kill) the enemy. Hence, homeopathic medicines are of great value in such pandemics. In addition, to enhance faster recovery the other use is for prophylaxis. Finally, replicating HOPE and moving people from fear and anxiety to comfort zone. Therefore, suffering from this disease is not the only criteria to seek homeopathic attention.
Now, it is written in our books that 'genus epidemicus' is one of the treatment for epidemics1. Finding this genus epidemicus medicine requires study of large subjects at same time and location. If this medicine does not cure, the patient then re-studying and prescribing individual similar medicine is recommended. Instead, my opinion is when we have resources i.e. good number of homeopathic physicians and time then better to opt for later method of prescribing based on 'Similia Similibus Curentur'. After all, this is what qualifies homeopathy as an art and science.
1. (2006) Hahnemann Samuel, Organon of Medicine (W. Boericke, Trans., 6th ed.). New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd, publisher. (Aph. 101-110)
2. (2020, April 1) LA TIMES. Accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddlRvqhGdPk
3. (2020, April 1) Maxwell N. Daniel, Perl M. Trish, Cutrell B. James, “The Art of War” in the Era of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Accessed at https://watermark.silverchair.com/ciaa229.pdf
4. (2020, April 1) WHO. Accessed at https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_2