We all know, time is precious, once gone never comes back. In a way, this is very beneficial if we are going through hard times like now. This pandemic is asking us to lock ourselves down at our homes and is demanding patience. Patience to let time pass and thus lowering the risk to our lives. “Social distancing”! And if we are happy and enjoying, it seems this time is slipping away. The fact is time is constantly moving forward with its definitive pace, leaving everything behind.
Since our birth we are running behind achieving something or the other. We have kept ourselves busy in work. But now, we have excess time to think what to do and how to pass it? Now, we are spending time at home for which to build we spent all our past time.
This is the best time to sit with our only best friend i.e. oneself, devoting to matters of the mind. It sounds crazy but is profitable for self-development. Following poetic lines by Anxhelo Llangozi describes to its fullest.
“Time is slow, time is fast.
It never stops, but it always lasts.
It's time for bed, it's time for school.
To waste your time is to be a fool.
If the time is right, the timing will be perfect.
Having the time of your life will always be worth it.
Some spend their time mad,
Some spend their time sad.
For some people time is all they ever had.
Some spend their time, and some people save it.
Some love wasting time, and some people hate it.
People waste time being in jail
People waste time being mad when they fail.
Some people have lots of time to spare.
Others spend their time not having a care.
It's time to stop, it's time to go.
Time can move fast, or it can move slow.
You can lose yourself or lose your mind,
But as life goes on you will never lose time.”
Agree, having reflective time is difficult and cannot be done every day. Critical analysis of self is not easy but facing the harsh reality has never been unchallenging. This time will also pass. At present, every person is the richest man as we have precious, valuable time in hand. All riches also our life will end one day but TIME is eternal like our soul. Connect with this soul. Use the time wisely!