Feeling tired is not an illness. This problem can be solved by proper means. There can be many reasons, single or multiple for tiredness. The most common are night-watching, improper diet and exercise.
Many people start their day with a cup of coffee just to wake up because they scroll social media or play games on phone or tablets or watch tv or laptop in bed before sleeping. No wonder they do not have enough sleep, and the quality of sleep is also not good either. Hence, we land up taking energy booster or various supplements. Sometimes also binge eating at night.
We must know taking them does not solve the problem at its root, instead are temporary solution. One need to go to basics - sleep enough, drink water enough, eat healthy, get more fresh air and exercise - these are natural doctors that give you energy. All of these should be a part of healthy long-term solution.
For an adult 6-7 hours of good sleep at night is considered enough to be active all day. Staying away from gadgets an hour before going to bed will help you a lot. In the morning get up from bed as soon as you open your eyes and start your day by making your bed.
Drinking energy booster instead of water will never resolve the problem. Drink at least 2 liters of water through the day.
Small modifications in diet like regular intake of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, heavy breakfast and lightest dinner and eating complete diet and not just fried, fast-food can-do wonders to your mind and body.
Moving in fresh air always rejuvenate us. May it be walking, playing or exercising, they help our cells breathe in oxygen and out carbon dioxide and monoxide hence resulting in happier feeling. One has never regretted exercising, alike making money and travelling. Exercising is always a profitable investment. Do grab the opportunity to make profits and become wealthy.
If you want to experience all day energy, you should put your attention and action to these 5 instead of picking quick fixes.